Who’s Interviewing Who?

So you’ve got a job interview lined up? Great! You ask the Career Center how to prepare, and they tell you:
“Remember, you’re interviewing them, too.”
Um. What? I was unaware the recruiters’ career depended on you landing this internship. I didn’t realize that the recruiter across the table from you is at risk of going home without a paycheck or health insurance today!

The Pressure

Let’s be real. If you’re early in your career, the pressure to land an internship or job is huge! You’re in school, watching your classmates bag positions at big-name organizations. They’re getting big starting offers, benefits. Looks nice!
Meanwhile, you’ve been applying online to dozens of positions and hearing very little. Maybe you got a phone call or two. A little Traction. Finally, an invitation for an in-person interview!

And they’re telling you to be picky!?

When you have so much riding on this, it can be easy to feel desperate. I remember feeling like I was BEGGING for a job!

How to be Picky and Get a Job

First, you need to know something: you are uniquely talented and qualified for a position. Somewhere there’s a job that no one else on earth is as good a fit for as you are. In the long-term we’ve got to find that place for you!
But right here, right now, I want to tell you what I’ve learned about using “pickiness” to LAND jobs, not get turned away. It all comes down to being picky about the right things, the right way.
The trick during the interview is to ask questions about what it’s like to do the job you’re being considered for. Don’t ask in a way that makes it obvious you’re trying to decide if you “like” the duties. Ask in a way that shows off your expertise. It turns out that insightful questions are a great way to show off what you know!
“How much time would I spend at a desk on a computer?”
“I’ve developed proficiency at <industry-standard software package>. Is that something that I would be using regularly, or should I spend some time familiarizing myself with another?”

Bypass the Machine

I’m working on a new project. If you’re tired of filling out countless online applications and hearing nothing in response then you’re going to want to pay attention. If you hate the idea of some computer algorithm filtering you based on GPA and keywords on a resume, then I’m happy to tell you there’s a better way to find your dream job.
I’m developing an experience for the Intentional Academy that you’re going to want to participate in! Right now, the project is called “Bypass the Machine.” Stay tuned.
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