The Vicious Circle of Experience

My free online course, Intentional 101, starts in just 12 days. If you haven't signed up, it's not too late. Registration closes Sunday, August 20. Come join us as we learn about time management, personal finance, and launching your dream career.

If you've searched for a job or an internship recently, you've probably faced the "experience issue":

"Every job requires experience, but I don't have any. I can't get experience if I don't get a job but I can't get a job because I don't have experience."

It's a vicious circle. It's also a lie. You have lots of experience. You have the exact same amount of experience as anyone your age. The question is whether you have the right experience.

When you're constantly busy and stressed, when you're worried about your finances and bills, you don't have much time or headspace to explore. That's why the Intentional Academy focuses on time management and personal finance first. Once you have these two areas under control, you have time and energy to build meaningful experiences.

If you had the time to gain relevant experience, how would you spend it?

That's the problem that Intentional 101 hopes to solve for you. If you'd like to add experiences to your resume that set you apart, you should join us. It's free but time is running out. Visit for details.